
23rd September 2016

Fibromyalgia Help

Fibromyalgia is an illness that causes fatigue and tremendous physical pain. It’s a condition that carries many different symptoms. To me it seems to be a name given by doctors for want of a better explanation for the symptoms being experienced by the patient. The symptoms of fibromyalgia appear to be quite unpredictable; some days can be perfectly fine while on others terrible pain is experienced. The pain affects the entire body and sometimes even lying still can be painful. Fibromyalgia sufferers frequently experience sleep disturbances, morning pain […]
29th July 2016

Access Bars

Access Bars is an energetic body process that involves the gentle touching of 32 points on your head. These points store the electromagnetic components of all the fears, anxiety and thoughts locked up energy in your mind and body. They also relate to all areas of your life such as creativity, awareness, body, sexuality, joy, sadness, money, control and so forth. While receiving a Bars session, it allows the charge on these areas to dissipate, together with the stress and worry. It happens with ease and different experiences […]
24th May 2016

Children and hypnosis

Children are often excellent subjects when using hypnosis, meaning that they respond well to hypnotherapy. I often see children or teenagers that have been to CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) who feel helpless and powerless and whose parents are looking for an alternative to help their children. Most problems stem from underlying emotional issues. This is not a judgement on the family, because even with the most loving background there can be areas that have an effect on a child, whether they are aware of it […]
25th September 2015

Hypnosis to Stop Smoking

Tobacco has been around for centuries but it is only been fairly recently known that smoking can be harmful. There is so much evidence that points to the danger of smoking and yet people still find it a habit that is difficult to stop. There are hundreds of reasons why people smoke, for example boredom, peer pressure, problems in life, work, alcohol etc. Smoking can become addictive quite quickly as nicotine is one of the most addictive substances known to man. For most smokers it takes a little […]