
26th February 2016

Panic Attacks

Anybody who’s ever been so scared that they thought they might die knows what it feels like having a panic attack. It’s a dreadful feeling; ones heart will be thumping and there is great fear. In many cases people have no idea what the cause of the attack may be. It seems to come out of the blue for no apparent reason and it is a very frightening experience. Hypnotherapy can be a great help when dealing with panic attacks and anxiety. Mostly, though not always, a panic […]
26th September 2015

Anxiety Treatment in Hull

The majority of clients in Hull and Beverley I see come to me for help with anxiety or even panic attacks. While many of these clients have seen counsellors and been to the doctor they were left feeling the way they did before they sought help. While talking to somebody about your feelings and worries, etc. can be very helpful it isn’t always the answer to a deep-seated anxiety problem. In fact it usually isn’t. Some fears are so deep and some issues stem from a long time […]
25th September 2015

Hypnosis to Stop Smoking

Tobacco has been around for centuries but it is only been fairly recently known that smoking can be harmful. There is so much evidence that points to the danger of smoking and yet people still find it a habit that is difficult to stop. There are hundreds of reasons why people smoke, for example boredom, peer pressure, problems in life, work, alcohol etc. Smoking can become addictive quite quickly as nicotine is one of the most addictive substances known to man. For most smokers it takes a little […]
13th July 2015

Toilet Anxiety

Most Hull and Beverley people don’t admit to feeling anxious but those who suffer from a toilet phobia are unlikely ever to admit this. They fear humiliation, being laughed at or not being understood. There are a number of fears relating to toilets such as a fear of urinating in public toilets or in the company of others (paruresis). The most common problem occurs when men cannot urinate in the company of others; women too can find it difficult if there are people in the toilet or nearby […]